Sponsors and Partners
Turn To Us would not be possible without the generous monetary and in-kind donations from those who believe in our mission.
2020 Sponsors

Trinity Lutheran Church
Rogue North Running Club
Cheryl Novak
JukeBox Cruisers Car Club
Guardian Life Insurance
Carbon County Bar Association
TW Cooper Insurance
Dr. Nicole Sully
Maura McGinley
Zion United Church of Christ
Bear Mountain Real Estate Bear Mountain Real Estate, Tara Benyo, Blocker Yamaha-Kawasaki-KYMCO Blocker Yamaha-Kawasaki-KYMCO, Mark Cicchinelli, Kristy Dawe, Richie Diefenderfer, Marion Domski, Entech Engineering, Inc. Entech Engineering, Inc., June Gaudreau, Grace St Paul’s United Methodist Church Women’s Mission, Haggerty Financial Haggerty Financial, Kris and Marian Hoffner, Kathleen Ifko, Jim Thorpe Lions Foundation, Jim Thorpe Rotary Club, Johnson and Johnson, Chris Kemmerle, Marlyn Kissner, Kathy andKen Kline, Mary Lekites, Keri and Ivan Markley, Tony and Kathy Matukonis, Thomas McArdle, Richard McKeever, Palmerton Memorial Post 7134 VFW, Marion Pasdon, Debra Perlow, Alicia Pfaff, Anthony Roberti, Roberti and Roberti, LLC, Charles Springer, St. Luke’s University Health Network, State Farm Insurance State Farm Insurance, Mary Sue Urban, Karen Voulo
Kay Becker, Elizabeth Bodnar, Deanna Bokan, Carla Conarty, Jessica Crowley, Maureen Donovan, Katherine Evans, Patricia Flyte, Karin Griffin, Kathy Herman, Cinda Heydt, Charlotte Horowitz, Gina Huseman, Robert Jacob, Janel Jone, Stephanie Kershner, Jennifer Kline, Robert Leffler, Marilyn Leshko, Jamie Lewis, Kayla Lienhard, Linda Lizzio, Mauch Chunk Trust Company, Billy McDonald, Andrew Miller, Nesquehoning Recreation Committee, Sandra Scott, Allison Shafer, Elijah Skrimcovsky, Karen Smith, Lindsey Smith Buckwalter, Gail Solomon, Ann Marie Tarapchak, Sherry Walz, Terry Walz
2019 Sponsors

Palmerton Preschool
Mauch Chunk Charity Foundation
Bach and Handel Chorale
Behler Foundation
Leaser Family
Trinity Lutheran Church
Panther Valley Middle School
United Way
Jim Thorpe Tourism Agency
S&O Computers
Shawn Kresge Electric
Lehighton Touchdown Club
Haggerty’s Tax Service
Bear Mountain Real Estate
Andreas Plumbing
Michael Greek, Attorney at Law
BTM, Inc
The Inn at Jim Thorpe
Dance With Kim
CTC Manufatoring
Jim Thorpe Rotary
Dr. Nicole Sully
Roberti and Roberti
Mauch Chunk Trust
Zion United Church of Christ
Concourse Club
Jim Thorpe Lioness Club
Jim Thorpe Lions Club
Jenny’s Sweets and More
Community Bank
Jim Thorpe Area School District, Penn Kidder Campus
Grace St Paul’s Church
Palmerton VFW
Entech Engineering
Five Star Sealcoating
Past Sponsors
Valley Preferred
Trinity Lutheran Church
Ed’s Sports Shop
Realtor Hugh Dugan of Hugh D. Dugan Real Estate
Day’s Landscaping
Shawn Kresge Services
The Grainger Foundation
The Baltimore Life Companies
Carbon Chamber and Economic Development Corporation
Parkland Family Health Center
Dr. Joseph McGinley
Lehighton Kia
Medical Associates of the Lehigh Valley
Dance With Kim
Pencor Services
St. John’s Evangelical Church
Nick’s Lakehouse
Louie’s Prime Steakhouse
Shenanigan’s Lake Harmony
Josh Koch from
Thrivent FinancialSummit Hill Lions Club
Carbon Lodge No 242 F&A Masons
Mauch Chunk Trust Company
Jim Thorpe Neighborhood Bank
Stonekeep Meadery
Blue Mountain Health Systems
Switchback Medical Center
Blue Mountain Business Connections
Thirty-One Consultant Nicole Sully
Pocono Whitewater
Skirmish Paintball
Pocono Biking
Palmerton Concourse Club
Mauch Chunk Pharmacy
Karen Ernst of Reiner Accounting
Jim Thorpe Yoga
Nothstein Family Hometown Proud Support Foundation
Jim Thorpe Rotary Club
Mauch Chunk Museum
Zavada and Associates Certified Public Accountants
The Inn at Jim Thorpe
Mountain View Restoration
Michelle Gallagher
Roberti and Roberti
Lewis-Koomar Insurance
Photos by OC Joe Matukonis
Be Fit With Julie
Patrick McNealis Insurance and Financial Group
Saint Joseph Regional Academy
AC Moore
Summit Hill Hootenanny
Jim Thorpe Fall Foliage Festival
Leighton Pool Night
Franklin Township Bike Night
Shawn Kresge Electric
Treasure Shop, Jim Thorpe
14 Acre Farm
Krysta Hankee Memorial Fund
Jack Frost Big Bolder
Seventh Moon Wellness Spa, Leighton PA
Nicole Lombardi Photography
Nick’s Lake House Restaurant
Marooning Valley Cinema
Boyer’s Food Market
Conrad Flynn Marketing
CRAVE Consulting – Joanne Troutman
Mike Solt – MrDiscGolf
Peter J. Radocha and Sons
Operation School Wear
PJ Whelihan’s Pub of Lehighton
Tony Stella’s Encore in Jim Thorpe
Bear Appetite in Jim Thorpe
Macaluso’s Restaurant in Nesquehoning
Tammy’s Cup-Cakery